Case studies
Read our customer stories and see why Trojan batteries are the right choice for applications around the world.
Case Studies: Off-Grid Solar Batteries

Solar Powered Remote Microgrids, Choco Colombia
The project required batteries designed to last for the duration of the installation, while also having the lowest Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE).
Solar Powered Tiny House Georgia & Tennessee
The “Tiny House” movement has taken the country by storm. But for some, living the “Tiny House” experience has been a way of life for the last several years. Be it downsizing to reduce living costs, a desire to live a simpler life, reducing the environmental impact versus traditional home living, or simply to travel and see the country, “Tiny House” living has reach epic proportions with a wide range of demographics adopting this new lifestyle. With most tiny house homes measuring less than 300-square-feet, a smart and thoughtful design is key, as well as, ensuring that modern amenities such as electricity is available.

Hibiscus Villa, India
The implementation of the system makes Hibiscus Villa a true ‘Net Zero’ energy independent resort home; a clear testimony of the energy independence that can be achieved with solar technology, robust and reliable energy storage and engineering innovation.
Spice Village Resort, India
Industrial deep cycle flooded batteries, which offer 17 years of life according to IEC 61427 testing, were chosen over VRLA batteries because of their affordability and long life.