Trojan Battery partners
Trojan partners, find the resources you need here. And those looking to become Trojan partners can start here, too.
Access the TrojanEx Partner Portal for Dealers
For our Authorized Dealers, the TrojanEx Partner Portal offers sales and marketing support and resources, such as:
Marketing materials & assets, including literature, sales materials, and datasheets
Training and certification for Trojan products
Operating, maintenance and installation guides
Resources and links, including our Total Cost of Ownership Calculator.
Get specs on our full portfolio of products, including flooded lead acid, AGM, lithium-ion, and Trojan AES AGM batteries. Visit today!
Become an Authorized Trojan Dealer
Authorized Trojan Dealers represent the worldwide leader in deep cycle battery manufacturing, with nearly 100 years of innovation and technological advances.
By becoming a Trojan Battery Dealer, you have access to:
Top quality products
A loyal customer base
Solid revenue growth potential
Dealer support services
Explore the benefits of becoming a Trojan Battery Dealer today!
Resources for Master Distributors
If you currently purchase (via purchase order) directly from Trojan Battery, our online partner community can provide real-time insights and functionality.
Order Tracking: Track orders through the order lifecycle, access shipment tracking, and generate order reports that are downloadable to Excel.
Support: Submit requests directly to customer service, monitored daily
Document Library: Access product warranty documents and other important materials
Registration is easy. Contact your sales representative for the confidential link and sign-up information.
Industry alliances
Alliances with industry associations and organizations help us stay on top of the regulations and trends impacting us and our customers. Below is a list of our alliances by industry.
Resources for Trojan Battery Partners
Contact Trojan Customer Service
1-800-423-6569 (US & Canada)
+1-562-236-3000 (International)
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